Sunday, May 17, 2015

Yesterday I Held Jesus in My Arms!

By Joey R. Peyton

Yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!
His little face was dirty
And His cloths were tattered too!
His belly growled with hunger
And His feet were minus shoes!
He was overlooked by everyone
With no earthy goods accrued.
Yes, He was least among His brethren
And yet I held Him true,
Because yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!

Yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!
Her face was old and wrinkled
And Her life would soon be ore!
Her stories often boring
And were repeated more and more!
She lived alone among the crowd
With eyes on distant shore.
Yes, She was least among Her brethren
And yet it was no chore,
Because yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!

Yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!
His body was twisted in agony
As doctors struggled to cure!
His desperate look around the room
For a hope that would be sure!
The sights and smells of waste and death
Caused avoidance by the pure.
Yes, He was least among His brethren
And yet it not obscure,
Because yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!

Yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!
She spoke a different language
And Her faith I did not know!
His skin was a different color
And Her customs were not my own!
Her status wasn’t legal
From across the border She did blow!
Yes, She was least among Her brethren
And yet through Her the Spirit flowed,
Because yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!

Yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!
He stood upon the street corner
With His hand stretched out to me!
He mumbled incoherently
About Martians in the sea!
His pack sat there beside His feet
While for coffee He did plea!
Yes, He was least among His brethren
Yet through me He could be free,
Because yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!

Yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!
She stood there on life’s road alone
With no one there to listen!
Loneliness was Her companion
While Her community was missing!
I held her close within my arms
And the tear She shed did glisten!
Yes, She was least among Her brethren
And yet She remained my mission,
Because yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!

Yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!
Not once or twice but many times
His heart and hands I held!
I’m a better man because of it
For in their lives God dwelled!
All created in His image
And its there I am compelled!
Yes, they were least among the brethren
And still my heart is swelled,
Because yesterday I held Jesus in my arms!

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